Så er der nyt fra Canon og hold da op der sker noget. Canon har lanceret deres EOS 1D X, med dette kamera har Canon slået deres 1D og 1Ds linje sammen.
Vi for altså et super hurtigt kamera med en full frame sensor. Der er generelt rigtig meget nyt i 1D X og det er klart et kamera man kan have store forventninger til.
Læs videre og se specs og video med kameraet i aktion.
Her er specifikationerne direkte fra Canon
- A newly developed high-precision AF system with 61 user selectable AF points, 41 of which are cross-type points, and five dual cross-type points for extra precision.
- A standard ISO range of 100 to 51,200 with three expansion settings – for ISO 50, 102,400 and 204,800.
- Dual “DIGIC 5+” processors for fast image processing to deliver 18.1 Megapixel images at up to 12fps as standard and up to 14fps with super High Speed continuous.
- Zone, Spot and AF Expansion focusing modes, plus subject type AF presets.
- A 100,000-pixel RGB AE sensor with 252-zone metering powered by a dedicated DIGIC 4 processor.
- +/-5 stops of exposure compensation.
- A high-magnification transparent LCD viewfinder with 100% coverage with intelligent viewfinder display.
- Super short 36ms shutter lag option.
- 30-1/8000sec shutter speed range.
- An 8.11cm (3.2”), 1.04 million pixel Clear View II LCD screen.
- Full HD EOS Movie shooting with Inter frame or Intra frame compression.
- Auto creation of new movie file once 4GB file limit reached.
- Timecode setting for HD movie shooting.
- Manual audio level control with live level meters and adjustment during recording.
- An improved EOS Integrated Cleaning System (EICS).
- Dual CF card slots.
- Touch-pad control area for silent setting adjustment during movie recording.
Der er godt nok mange ting i det her kamera hvor jeg tænker nam nam. Canon har sat en stopper for megapixel racet og leverer et full frame kamera med “kun” 18mp.
Ny teknologi og en gapless sensor tyder på et kamera med fantastisk iso preformance.
Key features kort.
- 18.1 Megapixel, full-frame CMOS sensor
- Up to 14fps continuous shooting speed
- ISO range of 100 to 51,200, expandable up to 204,800 and down to 50
- Dual “DIGIC 5+” processors
- 61-point AF system with up to 41 cross-type points
- Zone, Spot and AF Point Expansion focusing modes
- 1920x1080p full HD EOS Movie shooting at 24, 25 and 30 frames per second
- 1280x720p HD shooting at 50 or 60 frames per second
- Intra-frame and inter frame compression options for video
- 100,000-pixel RGB AE sensor with 252 metering zones
- Dedicated DIGIC 4 processor for exposure metering calculations
- 100% viewfinder with 0.76x magnification
- Ergonomically improved controls
- Built-in RJ-45 ethernet LAN port
- Dedicated WFT-E6 WiFi unit
- Dedicated GP-E1 GPS unit
Ny teknologi
Der er som sagt rigeligt med nyt i Canon EOS 1D X og har beskrevet lidt af hvad de kalder key technologies.
- AF system
With a completely re-designed AF system, the 61-point sensor in the EOS-1D X offers consistent focusing performance with all subjects in light levels down to EV -2. With up to 41 cross-type AF points and a dual-zigzag line arrangement for all 61 points, focus accuracy and speed is improved. In combination with the evolved AI Servo III AF algorithm, the new system is also more stable in use. To ensure setting up the system to suit the subject is as easy as possible, a new AF Configuration tool is provided within the camera menu to give details of each setting and example usage. - CMOS Sensor
Canon develops and manufactures its own CMOS sensors in-house. Canon pioneered the use of CMOS sensors in DSLR cameras due to the performance advantages they offer in terms of speed and low power consumption. The CMOS sensor in the EOS-1D X is the first in a new generation of full-frame sensors with gapless microlenses for greater light gathering ability.The photodiode construction is also new. It features an improved photoelectric conversion rate providing higher light sensitivity, which combined with the improved transistors inside the pixels gives a better signal-to-noise ratio and hence access to the higher ISO settings with reduced image noise. - DIGIC processing
The high-end Dual “DIGIC 5+” processors found in the EOS-1D X are three times faster than the already powerful DIGIC 5 processors. In fact, there is still a DIGIC 4 processor (the main processor found in the EOS 5D Mark II) within the EOS-1D X that is dedicated solely to the camera’s exposure metering system.The benefits of the Dual “DIGIC 5+” processors are great. With more processing power, they are able to perform more complex image processing for better image quality, as well as adding new features such as multiple exposure shooting, lens chromatic aberration correction, compression options for HD Movie shooting and UDMA and memory card compatibility. - 100,000-pixel RGB AE metering sensor
Recording light is the essence of what a camera does. But in order to record light correctly, it must first be able to measure the light in a scene accurately. The EOS-1D X’s metering system features an all-new 100,000-pixel RGB sensor that’s able to measure not only light levels but can also detect the colour of a scene for even greater metering accuracy, whatever the colour of the subject is. This colour and face detection data is also used by the camera’s autofocus system to improve focus tracking accuracy as the camera can identify a subject by its colour and contrast, rather than relying on contrast alone.
Kameraet er endnu MEGET nyt og levering er sat til engang i marts 2012. Så der er ingen grund til at storme ned til din lokale foto pusher endnu.
Sådan et kamera skal selvfølgelig testes og det har en heldig Canon ambassadør fået lov til. Her under kan du se en lille video om kameraet og en video med kameraet i brug.
Video gennemgang af Canon EOS 1D X
Video med Canon EOS 1D X i brug – hands on.
Canon EOS 1D X @ 12-14 fps
Canon EOS 1D X shutter @ 14 fps
Det er jo ikke nemt at komme med en pris før kameraet virkelig er i handlen. Som det ser ud lige nu er Canon EOS 1D X sat til hvad der svarer til ca. 36.000 kr og når det er bliver omregnet med dansk moms osv vil jeg gætte på vi lander omkring 45.000 kr.
Canon EOS 1D X galleri
- Canon EOS 1Dx – Canon nye monster
- Canon EOS 1DX
- Canon EOS 1D X
- Canon EOS 1DX
Som sagt er levering desværre først sat til marts 2012. Så nu kan vi ikke andet end vente og håbe på at der til marts er nok kameraer klar til alle der bestiller et.
Tidligere har vi jo set problemer ved både Nikon og Canon med at leverer nok kameraer når leveringen endelig begyndte.
Der er desværre heller ikke nogen billede samples klar fra Canon EOS 1D X endnu. Her må vi altså igen vente og væbne os med tålmodighed.
Jeg glæder mig meget til at se hvad kameraet kan præsterer især på de høje iso og ikke mindst til at få det i hånden.
Hvorfor hulan har de ikke bare indbygget WiFi og GPS i kameraet?? Det virker da lidt fjollet at især WiFi som har en bunke muligheder til især prof-fotografer ikke er at finde i Canons top of the line kamera for de kommende år.
Der er en stor grund til det… strøm… de funktioner æder rigtig meget power og vil alt andet lige også øge kameraets vægt/størrelse hvilket der ikke er mange som har interesse i :)
For mig er de funktioner totalt ligegyldige. Har intet at bruge gps til og wifi er alligevel for langsomt til raw filer.