
Adobe Creative Suite 5 – CS5

2023-12-22T16:18:29+01:00april 13th, 2010|Redigering|

Adobe har nu lanceret CS5. Creative Suite pakkerne inderholder rigtig mange af de programmer som Adobe er kendt for. Dette inkluderer selvfølgelig også vores allesammens Photoshop. Adobe CS5 Master [...]


Lightroom 3 Beta 2

2022-12-11T10:13:14+01:00marts 23rd, 2010|Redigering|

Som du sikkert har opdaget har der i noget tid været en beta udgave ude af den kommende Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3. Adobe har nu gjort det muligt at downloade Beta 2 af Lightroom [...]


Creative Adobe Photoshop CS5

2022-12-06T18:13:42+01:00november 29th, 2009|Redigering|

Some people just are creative and get some fun ideas. I came by this little image while browsing the other day. I guess if we take this image for real the next version of [...]


Camera Raw & Lightroom update

2022-12-06T14:10:33+01:00september 15th, 2009|Redigering|

Adobe has released an update to Adobe Camera Raw brining it up to version 5.5 and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom now in version 2.5 PS4 & LR The release [...]


A little Photoshop Fun

2022-12-06T13:38:25+01:00juli 29th, 2009|Redigering|

It's been a very long time since I sat down and played with Adobe Photoshop just for the fun of it. Today my stupid bag was killing me :( so I sat down and [...]


Lightroom update 2.2

2022-12-11T10:14:28+01:00december 16th, 2008|Redigering|

Adobe has released an update to their Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. This takes the version to 2.2 but it is no big update with loads of new functions. It adds support for the new Canon [...]


Adobe Creative Suit 4

2025-01-06T10:59:14+01:00september 24th, 2008|Redigering|

Yesterday Adobe announced the new Creative Suit 4. This is the tool kit for most professionals out there. As usual there is different suits, design, web, production and master. Master being the largest containing [...]

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