Well well time for another little light tutorial/setup post. This is from a recent trip to a closed down shopping area. They had these folding glass front windows. I extended them a bit an stuck a model in between. The result is this shot.
The setup shot is not completely as the one used for the shot. I raised the RX600 on the floor up about 50cm.
Flashes used is the Elinchrom RX600. The blue gelled one is running full (6.5) power. The one in the octa is running around 5 – 5.5
Specifications for the shot: 1/200 sec – F11 – iso100
I shot this with my trusty Canon EOS 5D Mark II and a Canon EF 70-200L F2.8 IS @ 140mm.
Feel free to ask any question you might have. If you liked this post please use the share button to spread the word.
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Hi Theis
I was wondering how did you achieve 1/2000sec? Is there highspeed sync on your elinchrom? Completly of topic, we help a girl from a childrens home in Lithuania
She visits us about twice a year, she is also called Oksana :)
Hej Dan,
Tror du har læst der står kun 1/200 sek. så nej der er desværre ikke noget highspeed sync, men gid der var :)
Sjov med navne sammenfaldet, Oksana her er også over øst fra.